Green and Fair Youth Exchange about Climate Change and Human Rights
“Green and Fair” was a Youth Exchange funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ programme. It took place in August 2024 in Passignano sul Trasimeno, Italy.
The project involved 31 young people from 6 different countries in a multicultural experience. The project involved several non-formal education activities, such as debates, simulations, group work and intercultural learning activities. That is where the project acts: create a safe environment where people with different backgrounds, cultures and points of view can share experiences, learn and appreciate the process.

Objectives of the project were:
- Provide participants with knowledge about climate change and raise awareness about it’s consequences for human life
- Make participants reflect on actions everyone can take to support respecting human rights
- To open the discussion about human rights and the way climate change affects them
- To empower young people and develop cooperation and teamwork skills
- To encourage intercultural dialogue
- To promote self-awareness and soft-skill learning

In a few words
In recent years, climate change has transformed from a distant concern to an undeniable and palpable reality for all living beings on this planet. This profound shift in our ecosystems brings diverse and far-reaching consequences that impact many areas of our lives and societies.
The simplistic view that climate change only affects our ecosystems is outdated; today, we recognize that no aspect of our lives remains untouched by its devastating effects. Discussing climate change and rights encompasses a wide range of issues, including basic human rights, workers’ rights, consumer rights, migrants’ rights, animal rights, and the rights of nature itself.
‘The Green and Fair project aimed to open a dialogue about the impact of climate change on rights. How does this process affect workers’ rights in the global south or the rights of people in areas heavily impacted by climate change? How can we protect nature and ensure it receives the rights granted by our legislation? We live in a rapidly changing era, facing new challenges that require us to address these issues collectively. New generations must engage in these discussions and work together to foster attitudes and narratives that promote harmonious coexistence with each other and the planet.

We are proud to present here the videos created by participants!
One of the major outcomes of the project is the production of videos where the participants put together reflections on different topics during the youth exchange.